Marco has been successful managing very complex dealstructures and delivery models. He is a very effective managerand also a direct and savvy salesperson. Marco builds trustedrelationships with partners and clients. His negotiations are factbased and constructive. I have enjoyed working with Marco.

As a member of our team, Marco has a well-earned reputation for creativity, hard work, and advocacy for his clients. Marco works around the clock to achieve results for his customers.
Marco continues to provide innovative, results oriented solutionswhich deliver on the value proposition that is quoted. I wouldwelcome the opportunity to do continued business with Marcoand his team.
Marco's relationship based approach to client management, people management, and operational management makes him an ideal candidate to deliver high performing teams and effective technology solutions. Marco’s depth of knowledge and ability to work in high visibility, fast paced environments make him an asset to any firm. I have both worked with and worked for Marco and would do so again given the opportunity

Marco was one of the hardest working and creative service providers I have ever had the pleasure of working with. His ideas brought about results that I honestly believe would not have been possible without his involvement. He is great to work with and while I was a client I felt relationship was more of a partnership than a simple client/vendor relationship. This was best illustrated in the level of ownership in the projects on which we worked and they way he genuinely cared about the quality of the end result. I highly recommend Marco.

Marco and I had an opportunity to participate and agree on a multi-million dollar / multi-year offshore deal. Throughout the sales phase, I found Marco forthright and upfront to do business with. He has a high degree of integrity and can balance what is right for the customer, as well as for his company. Marco understands his customer and the business that he is in and is focused on making a satisfactory sale. I would recommend Marco for any position, as he has exceptional expertise in IT infrastructure and offshoring services

I worked with Marco at Collective as a Corporate Recruiter andfound Marco to be a highly effective manager.

Marco is an aggressive, smart professional who truly takes the time to understand customer needs and requirements and develop solutions that are truly win-win for the client and his organization. His comprehesive background allows him to bring together multiple areas of the organization to create pragmatic, implementable solutions.

Marco is a personable, self confident executive with deepexpertise in technology consulting and offshoring delivery. He isa team player that recognizes potential issues and deliversresults. Marco is a pleasure to work with.

Macro has a highly professional work ethic that is infectious to allwho are around him and as a result he was an asset toStoragenetworks ensuring that our "go live" productions dateswere met.

Marco is one of the most superior people that I have had theopportunity to work with. He is a leader by nature, excellentinterpersonal skills, highly talented in his role, and demonstratesthe thought leadership demanded by Accenture. Marco also hasa great personality and is a pleasure to know.

I worked with Marco developing outsourcing options for several Fortune 500 clients in the Consumer Retail and Financial industry. Marco has an extensive knowledge of IT Infrastructure operations and outsourcing. He is very adept at crafting win-win outsourcing solutions for his clients, and is excellent at developing and selling soutions.

When it comes to mixing business and technology leadership,Marco has the perfect blend. He is an individual who you cantrust to have the knowledge, insight and expertise to rival any CIOworth their salt. He is someone who has tremendous passion andpossesses a brilliant sense of humour.

l had the privilege to work with Marco for almost 4 years at Accenture. During that time we partnered on several global multi-million dollar programs. In every case, Marco brought leadership, innovation, and deep business context to our engagements. Marco is incredible with people and never forgets a name or a face, be it a client, a colleague or the guy at the coffee shop. Marco is at ease with top-level executives of any organization and can articulate and differentiate his point of view and approach adroitly. The combination of these skills make for an incredible sales professional

Marco is a remarkably insightful person, and also has such a diverse skill set that he can add value in almost any situation. He knows when to be a leader, and when to be part of the team. He is all about getting the job done in the most efficient way possible. I really enjoyed working with Marco and hope to have the opportunity to do so in the future.

Marco was my most reliable manager. He was the go to person whenever I needed something important taken care of. He also took care of the customer with the utmost sense of customer centricity. I could count on him to make the tough decisions with passion and empathy. He was a great leader to his team. He set a very positive example and never asked his team to do anything he would not do himself. He worked tirelessly to ensure our customers and employees were taken care of with respect and dignity. I trusted his input and advice. Marco would be an asset to any organization needed a solid professional.

Marco is a consummate professional and it was a pleasure tohave is association for the years we worked together.

Marco had very good knowledge about the customer and theirbusiness. He understood their needs and he was focused on it.

As VP of Marketing at CompuCom, I worked closely with Marco on business development and lead generation strategies. He was an excellent sales leader who was very experienced in the latest sales methodologies. Marco understood the value of targeting in on customer pain points and delivering the right value proposition to move them to purchase. He was a great guy to work with.

Marco has always worked extremely hard to achieve the goals of our organization. Marco will go above the call of duty to make sure he gets the job done and he was our go to person for deal pursuit. He is a team player who enjoys being challenged and rewarded. Marco knows and understands the business of sales; and he makes lasting relationships with both his clients and collegues.

Marco has an in-depth knowledge of the Industry and can quickly formulate solutions based on your needs. I have known Marco for many years and along with his expertise in Sales and Solutions, I have admire his integrity. His experience results in his understanding, his understanding leads him to provide custom solution complemented with his expertise to provide value. He is on the top of his game. He is an author and his recent book titled "Rethinking Sales" is truly a masterpiece - a must read for all professional involved in sales, directly or indirectly. He also carries a heavy Rolodex with him, which never seems to amaze me. I wish Marco great success and if given a chance will hire him again and again for our fulfillment needs.

Marco is one of the hardest working sales executives I haveworked with. He understands his clients needs and alsounderstands how to get the most from the organization herepresents I thouroughly enjoyed working with Marco and woulddo it again in a second
Marco, always paying attention to detail, along with service levelagreements, and customer needs. A high end professionallooking to minimize down time, maximizing up time and alwayspays attention to P&L. Marco is pleasure to work with and a greatasset in the sales area.

Every time I catch up with Marco, he's advanced exponentially towards the last goal he set for himself. He is driven and incredibly efficient in his quest. He's outlined this very well in his book Rethinking sales. I can't recommend him enough if you are looking to connect with a real rainmaker. I hope to count him as a friend for years to come.

Marco has always been quick to point out root causes to issues and then immediately architect the best methods to problem resolution. He is ever the champion of "Problem-Solve" rather than "Break-Fix". His ability to communicate to all levels is only rivaled by his ability to inject humor as a calming agent in times of trouble shooting. He was a brilliant mentor to watch and learn from.

Marco is a straightforward, no nonsense leader with a close eye on both his company goals and team needs. By helping insulate teams teams from the inevitable politics he lets them feel their backs are covered while they get on with their work and the company sees loyalty and meaningful work from the team because their overall anxiety is reduced. Marco kept the senior members of his team in the loop and discussed opportunities openly so he could then approach senior management at the company and the client with a strong hand.

Marco has always been a person that understands bothtechnology and business. Those qualities have enabled him tosucceed where others would have failed. I was fortunate enoughto have worked for him, and I look forward to the opportunity ofworking with Marco again, in the future.

Had the pleasure of working with Marco on various clients while farming for new business opportunities. He is very candid and direct individual which is a breath of fresh air when doing business in this economy. I would recommend inviting Marco into your company to get a sense of what he and his company have to offer to enable your business.

I have had the pleasure of working with Marco as a colleague andhave found him to be extremly gifted in his abilitty to absorbinformation and present solutions.

Marco is an Effective Leader with great Customer focus. He skillsof creating synergy between customer groups, is second to none.He manages customer needs very easily. He is an asset to anyorganization. I certainly look forward to the day, where I can workwith Marco again.

I met and worked with Marco while on the Infrastructure Outsourcing team at Accenture. Marco was actively pursuing several capital markets customers at the time and had terrific contacts. We collaborated on outsourcing deals at JPMC and a capital markets pursuit at FINRA. Marco had the best pipeline of all the IO team sales leads and knew how to close the deal. He was always hunting and looking for the next opportunity. I appreciated the time that we spent together at Accenture and learned a great deal from him. I would work with Marco again without hesitation and give him my highest recommendation.

Marco's ability to forge lasting relationahips in the process of creating value and innovating processes is exceptional. I have been fortunate to work with Marco on a number of occasions to improve team performance, positively impact the bottom line of my firm and most importantly, preserve and upskill jobs for existing employees that in any other instance would have lost their employment. Marco was open to collaboration and new ways of thinking, organizing, and structuring deals that I could not find elsewhere in the market, which in the end benefitted all parties involved. I know many individuals that unknowingly should be very greatful for my having been able to work with Marco. For them as well as me, thanks Marco and keep up the great work! Good luck with the book!

I first worked with Marco 18 months ago, Marco approached me to help him develop an international oportunity for an existing US client. What you first notice about Marco is that he is one of those fortunate individuals that has a presence, the ability to instantly command a room of people, people definately stop talking and listen when Marco speaks. What Ive learnt to admise about Marco during the 6 month development cycle of this oportunity is his knowledge and understanding of the customers business, his ability to interpret and ensure the key stakeholders personal/business objectives were achieved and ultimately his ability to network/develop strong relationships at the most senior levels of an organisation. Since knowing Marco, I have personally learnt much from working along side him and now consider him to be a trusted mentor and friend

I am happy to recommend Marco. We worked together in a salescapacity into financial services (I was "consulting" for hiscompany). Marco is very professional, knowledgeable, and on top of things, and is very comfortable dealing with IT professionals at the highest level.

I had the pleasure of working with Marco on a large global infrastructure outsourcing deal. He was identified as the key individual responsible for architecting a global offering. If it was not for Marco's partnering approach combined with his drive and innovative thinking, the deal would simply not have materialised. He is unique and one of the most personable people you will ever come across, he leaves a lasting positive impression and I would have no reservations working with Marco again

Marco is a very good orator and has a good grip and in depthknowledge on what he speaks. Customer oriented and reliable.An out of box thinker who can sell anything especially in ITService/Delivery. Wishing you all the best for your futureendeavor.

Marco was instrumental in building Collective's ManagedServices account and organizing its acquisition by Accenture. Marco is a high level executive with great customer andleadership skills. I would highly recommned him to anyone.

Marco Giunta was leading a large project when we first met. He is a great communicator, negotiator and leader. Not only does hehave a great personality but Marco is someone who isdetermined to accomplish the tasks required to buildrelationships, deliver services and stay connected with his team.

Marco Giunta did an exceptional job on the recent project. Verygood and energetic salesman, has no problem to work hard whennecessary. Strong, eager and customer focused colleague. It'samazing to work with such a person. Is able to work in a fast-paced environment.

One of the strongest strategy focused consulting and sales professionals I've had the pleasure to work with. Marco consistently brings a solution focus and broad understanding of business issues to every engagement we've worked together on. His industry knowledge and customer insights help to balance customer requests with their needs and drive the most optimal solution for all parties. In addition to his professionalism, Marco's sense of humor and broad interests makes him a great colleague to work with.

I had the opportunity to work with Marco on the same project. Marco is a great leader and communicator. Whenever I approached him with an issue I ran into to, he immediately had a solution. It was very apparent that he has a great relationship with his clients. I learned a lot from him and it was such a pleasure to be on his team!

Working with Marco was an amazing experience. His drive and passion would fuel your own fire, making you want to deliver the same results he was working towards. He is a natural servant leader. Always helping remove the obstacles in your way. Instead of offering up solutions to problems, he would work with you to have you find the solution, by helping you work through any situations. I would love the opportunity to work with Marco again!